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The QSI Sarajevo counseling program is student centered, outcome oriented, and collaborative in nature seeking to promote the school’s overall mission. The collaboration of staff, students, parents, and the community within the framework of the counseling guidelines are delivering a developmentally and culturally appropriate program fostering success for all engaged.

The QSI Sarajevo have counseling services available to students in Pre – K, elementary, middle, and secondary school. School counselors help students develop academic and social-emotional skills needed to be best learners and friends.  With the support of a school counselor, students learn to develop social skills, emotional regulation skills, effective collaboration skills, develop time management and study skills.

The four domain areas are the focus of the QSI Sarajevo Counseling  Program: Academic Development, focused on the Exit Outcomes of Competencies and Knowledge, Post-secondary Awareness includes career development and  university planning, Social/Emotional Development focused on acquiring the knowledge, attitudes, and interpersonal skills to help students understand and respect self and others and Global Perspective based on developing understanding of multi-cultural learning and dynamic global landscapes

School counselors use the following four components to systemically deliver the QSI Sarajevo Counseling Program.

In the case where issues exceeds school counseling, school counselor can refer students and/or their parents, guardians, and teachers to other specialists or special programs, consult with specialists from other programs, and follow-up with students to monitor their progress toward problem resolution.

Students can make an appointment with the counselor, or the counselor may make an appointment with the student based upon a referral from a teacher, administrator, or parent.

Parents and students are advised to contact the school counselor to discuss any area of concern. You can contact our school counselor via email.