24 Game Math Competition
On March 14 (Pi Day!), QSI Sarajevo will have a 24 Game Math competition for the 9-10-year-old age bracket and 11-13-year-old age bracket. In the run-up to this event, students will have a chance to practice the game in class and compete to determine who the class representatives will be in their age bracket.
In the 24 game, players are presented with four numbers and must use each number exactly once, applying basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) to reach a total of 24.
Players are given a limited amount of time to solve each card. The first person to correctly solve the card wins a point. The game continues until a predetermined number of points is reached.
We believe that the game is an excellent opportunity for our students to develop their math skills and enjoy the process of learning. We encourage you to support your child's participation in this competition and help them practice their mental math skills at home. There is a virtual practice deck below and more resources on this web page.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child's mathematics teacher or Mr. Teo (teo-kaye@sarajevo.qsi.org). We look forward to a successful Math 24 competition and hope to see your child participate.