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25-28 April, 2024 - Sarajevo, B&H

Welcome to QSI International School of Sarajevo Model United Nations!

On behalf of the organizing board, it is our pleasure to extend a warm welcome to all delegates, advisors, and guests who will be attending this year's conference. As you embark on this diplomatic journey, we hope all delegates use this experience to learn about collaboration, critical thinking, and diplomacy that define the principles of Model United Nations.

As delegates navigate the intricacies of diplomacy, we encourage them to embrace diversity of thought, engage in respectful debate, and strive for consensus-building. Remember, the solutions proposed and the alliances forged have the potential to inspire real-world change.

Throughout the conference, our dedicated organizing board and volunteers will be on hand to assist you every step of the way. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Best regards,

QISSMUN Organizing Board